3DEXPERIENCE World brings together a vibrant community of engineers, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, and industry leaders to learn, engage, share knowledge, and drive innovation.
Experience SOLIDWORKS CAM and CAMWorks at 3DEXPERIENCE World, Booth # 617
See the latest technologies available in CAD/CAM to shorten programming time and increase production.
- HCL CAMWorks powers SOLIDWORKS CAM and your SOLIDWORKS CAM data is fully compatible with CAMWorks.
- Make the most of all your machines with CAMWorks programming for up to 5 Axis Simultaneous Milling, Mill-Turn, Wire EDM, probing, routers, lasers and more.
- Save time with automation technologies such as the CAMWorks TechDB, VoluMill, VoluTurn, PrimeTurning, Virtual Machine and ShopFloor.
Schedule appointment with us at 3DEXPERIENCE World 2024
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In-Person Speaking Sessions
Sunday, 11th February 2024
3:50 pm to 4:05 pm US/Central
Location: Playground Partner Theater | Raffle Prize: GPS Drone with Camera
Attendance: Please note there is no pre-registration needed for this session.
SOLIDWORKS and CAMWorks provide advanced CNC programming technologies, helping thousands of companies reduce costs
and machine more efficiently. CAMWorks was the first integrated CAM software in SOLIDWORKS and powers SOLIDWORKS CAM. Join this presentation to learn how to reach higher levels of productivity from customers using SOLIDWORKS and

Corey Kausch
RPG Offroad
Monday, 12th February 2024
10:45 am - 11:45 am US/Central
Automation is the key to remaining competitive in today’s industry. Register for this session to learn about key features available in SOLIDWORKS for automating the design process, along with the functionality built into SOLIDWORKS CAM for automating manufacturing. See how these design and manufacturing tools work together to automate the entire design-through-manufacturing process. We’ll demonstrate the Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 tools already available to you in SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS CAM. We’ll also review how SOLIDWORKS MBD (Model Based Definition) and SOLIDWORKS CAM’s TBM (Tolerance Based Machining) can help you increase productivity, improve quality, and grow your business.

Marc Bissell
Sr. Applications Specialist,
HCL Software
Tuesday, 13th February 2024
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm US/Central
For manufacturing companies to remain competitive in the global economy, Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing are a virtual necessity. The manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly more automated and the cornerstone of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing is the digital thread. The digital thread creates a closed loop between the virtual and real worlds using digital twins of parts and assemblies. Using SOLIDWORKS MBD you can incorporate manufacturing information into the digital twin to create an intelligent digital twin and close the loop between design and manufacturing. The MBD information in this intelligent digital twin can then be leveraged by SOLIDWORKS CAM using Tolerance Based Machining or TBM to select the correct machining strategies to meet the tolerance and surface finish requirements specified by the MBD data. Digitally transform your company! Attend this session to gain a greater understanding of this cutting-edge technology.

Paul Ludwick
Product Sales Specialist,
HCL Software