Advanced Digital Manufacturing Through Integrated CAM
Visit us at Realize Live, booth #103 , May 9-12, 2022, at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA to learn how CAMWorks leverages synchronous technology directly inside of the Solid Edge interface allowing for intuitive programming and machining.
Increase Your Productivity with CAMWorks for Solid Edge
- Seamless integration between CAD and CAM saves you time and gives you greater accuracy
- Automation technologies and tools such as TechDB™ accelerate your output
- PrimeTurning™ from Sandvik Coromant delivers high material removal rates and increases tool life for turning operations
- CAMWorks VoluMill™ provides high-performance milling toolpaths for shorter cycle times
Accelerate Digital Transformation in Product Design and Manufacturing
Venue - Shoreline Exhibition Hall, Innovation StageThe use of the latest technology in Product Design and Manufacturing functions enables enterprises worldwide to realize the benefits of digital transformation. Global manufacturing companies are leveraging automation in the product design space using DFM methodology, ensuring the design is ready for manufacturing and fully integrated CAM software thus accelerating digital transformation. Automating the design reviews, getting the right design the first time, and advanced integrated CAD/CAM, are critical factors for accelerating digital transformation.

Marc Bissel,
Senior Application Specialist,HCL